Games that I've worked on:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

True Blood

In the mood for Vampires?  I have recently discovered the joy of this fantastic HBO series.  The writing is great, and true to the quality I would expect from Alan Ball.  The series is based on novels titled "The Southern Vampire Mysteries" written by Charlaine Harris.  I have not read this series of books, but enjoy the mystery and comedy that makes up the show.  The HBO series "Six Feet Under" was what turned me onto Alan Ball as a writer and producer.  As I make my way through past seasons in an effort to catch up, I highly recommend watching.  I find it both delicious, and blood thirsty.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010


Great things have been happening involving this soon to be released title.  Named "Best Strategy Game" of E3 2010 being one of many.  I wasn't involved with this title, but can say it looks amazing and will be an amazing addition to the already amazing franchise. 

Check out all related info at