Games that I've worked on:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More from Barsoom

Work has been keeping me super busy, but I had to make a post to share my excitement.  Tiny hail stones are falling on my roof top and the holiday cold is creeping closer.  Still something warms my spirits.  What is it you ask?  A huge love of Edgar Rice Burroughs books, and my knowledge that soon I will be transported to the Martian worlds I have lived with for so long in my minds eye.  Here is the recently released official trailer for the upcoming science fiction film "John Carter."

Enjoy a look at the film's poster.  It has a fun illustrative look that I love and is an obvious homage to the works of Gino d' Achille and Frank Frazetta.  I don't care much for the font, but the image seems to have hit a balance between old and new aesthetic sensibilities.

See you at the movies March 9th!